Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt review

There are not many rpgs that I can call my personal favorite, But the Witcher is something special, from the vast open world to the various monsters that you can encounter the Witcher never bores. The game play in the witcher 3 is some of the best i've seen in any rpg i've played. The numerous options for combat give you much variety to tackle the missions how you see fit. Not only does the game give you combat options gameplay wise but it offers the player choice. The game allows you to chose the dialogue that Geralt will say and will change the story depending on such. Speaking of story The witcher has a story that could maybe be one of the best in any game i've played each character has there own personality and plays a major role in Geralt's journey. Not only that but the side missions also tell there own story from hunting down a monster that was once man and hearing the sad tale of how he came to be such. Don't let me forget the top notch voice acting. If i had one gripe about the witcher I would have to say is the horse while being a great way to travel at times it can become buggy and glitchy, Although this is a minor gripe and does not take away from the experience.To sum it up the witcher 3 has everything I want in a rpg from diverse characters to a sprawling open world and excellent combat. The Witcher 3 is a masterpiece my score for this game is a 10/10. While no game is perfect the Witcher delivers such a great experience, That it is very hard to argue with the time and care that was put in this game.

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