Monday, January 23, 2017

Final fantasy x

Final fantasy x is a game that i enjoyed so thoroughly i will go as far to say it is my favorite entry in the long running series. To keep this review brief i just want to tell you my thoughts on the game and some nitpicks. To start off  the characters in 10 are some of the best most memorable for me than any of the franchise. waka yuna rikku and auron to name a few are very heartfelt characters that get their own spot light at one point or another. The game play is fun as hell and rewarding although late game gets insane grindy which is kind of a bummer. the variety of attacks per character can become kind of addicting and the combos you can pull off can get crazy. The only draw back for new players may be the sphere grid. This grid can be very confusing for new characters and kind of overwhelming. 
lastly the story of x is so good. the story is emotional personal and heart felt. the villain Seymour is pretty much sephiroth when it comes down to it he is still interesting in the long run. To sum up my thought i would say the time i spent playing this game is some of the best ive had with the series and hopefully i get to see these characters again. I give this game a 9/10

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